Drop-out rate for online onboarding reduced from 100% to 15%.
Insurance client case

No more physical signature required
The service has been deployed on a.s.r. Life’s claims process for payout. The reason for using SurePay’s service was because a.s.r. previously had to obtain physical signatures before a claim could be paid. This was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, sometimes taking six to eight weeks until a customer received his or her money because this signature had to be validated first.
API integration
a.s.r. uses the API integration; this service is deployed in the online environment. The response is received immediately when a payment is requested. Instead of requesting a physical signature, we can immediately perform a data check on name and account number. This is done in combination with iDIN; customers can adjust their data themselves in the ‘my environment’ and a physical signature is no longer necessary.
Less time for administration, fewer mistakes
In addition to these advantages, Verification of Payee enables an immediate check to be carried out and the drop-out rate at online onboarding is reduced from 100% to 10 to 15%. When a claim is requested, the amount is in most cases available within 4 working days. In short: fewer hours, less administrative work and less failure due to the use of this SurePay solution
''Because of iDIN, a physical signature is no longer needed. In addition, we use SurePay's Verification of Payee solution to determine whether we will disburse to the correct account. Sending/uploading a copy bank statement by the payee is no longer necessary. This has reduced the dropout rate for online onboarding from 100% to 10-15% and we have much less administration.''
– Mieke Koevoet, IT consultant a.s.r. insurance
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